Small enough to care,
big enough to have a voice.
  • Full (Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist) membership - For those Naturopathic Nutritional Therapists who have a qualification from one of our accredited or accepted courses.  All will have completed supervised clinical practice as part of their training.
  • Full (Nutritional Therapist) membership - For those nutritional therapists who have a relevent qualification from one of our accepted courses.  All will have completed supervised clinical practice as part of their training.
  • Full membership (tutor) - For qualified nutritional therapists working as a tutor in nutritional therapy or naturopathic nutritional therapy.
  • Associate level membership - For those who are qualified Nutrition Advisors (may or may not be studying for full Nutritional Therapy diploma).
  • Student membership - For those who are students of naturopathic nutritional therapy
  • Non-Practising member.  For those who are taking a break from practice or are getting back into practice and building up their CPD after a break.  No insurance required.

Benefits of being a Member

  • Free listing on our public database of qualified naturopathic nutritional therapists, nutritional therapists and nutritional advisors.  
  • Special discounts and promotions from a number of related suppliers including Nutritionist Resource, IHCAN conferences and IHCAN magazine
  • Members are entitled to special promotions on CPD events and courses.  Please refer to the entries on the CPD Opportunities page for further information.
  • Members have the opportunity to join our mentoring scheme (recent nutritional therapy diploma graduates and those students in their final year of nutritional therapy diploma).
  • Full members have the opportunity to register with CNHC (see below) (conditions apply).
  • Full and associate members may use the NNA member logo which is available on the members area (Resources).
  • Full members (who qualify) will be registered with the GNC (General Naturopathic Council) as associate or registered naturopaths
  • The NNA will facilitate full members GNC upgrade to Naturopath (conditions apply). Note - this is currently on hold and we will update in due course
  • All members have free access to a professional version of the Natural Medicines Database.  A saving of £191.
  • Healthshield (private health insurance company) recognise NNA full members as accepted practitioners for allergy and food intolerance testing, naturopathy and nutritional therapy
  • ANH-International offer NNA members a discount on their Practitioner Pathfinder membership

Registration with the General Naturopathic Council (GNC)

NNA full members who have completed a course in Naturopathic Nutritional Therapy will be registered with the GNC as associate naturopaths - if you do not want the NNA to do this for you please let us know.  It is the responsibility of the member to update their information on the GNC website once the basic details (name and email address) have been set up by the NNA.

The GNC run an upgrade scheme for naturopathic nutritional therapists (who have been in practice for 2 years since qualification) allowing them to upgrade from associate to registered naturopath.  After completing any ‘missing’ naturopathic elements and some other tasks and assessment they will receive a naturopathic dipoma (ND).    Note:- This benefit is currently on hold and we will update in due course.

Full members who have completed an appropriate Nutritional Therapy course (not accredited) will need to demonstrate to the NNA that they practise in accordance and showing a good understanding of naturopathic principles and philosophies (by submitting two case studies and a summary of career and practice) before being eligible to apply for GNC registration.  This is also subject to them completing the NOS and Core Elements checklists.

Registration with the Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC)

CNHC is a voluntary regulator for complementary healthcare practitioners.  Full members of the NNA may be eligible to make an application with the CNHC (Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council) for the Naturopathy and Nutritional Therapy registers.

Full members of the NNA who are graduates of the NNA's accredited courses may use the CNHC's fast track application to be submitted to the CNHC's naturopathy register via the NNA subject to completion of the NNA's NOS and Core Elements Statements of practice for Naturopathy.  For the Nutritional Therapy register case studies and career summary may also be required.

Full members who have completed a course in Naturopathic Nutritional Therapy with one of the non-accredited approved training providers (this does not include fully online courses) are eligible to apply to be registered with the CNHC following submission of the following:- 

1.  NOS and Core Elements checklists.  

2. CNHC Naturopathy register:- They need to demonstrate to the NNA that they practise in accordance and showing a good understanding of naturopathic principles and philosophies (by submitting two case studies and a summary of career and practice) before being eligible to apply for CNHC registration.  

3.  CNHC Nutritional Therapy Register:- They need to demonstrate to the NNA that they practise in accordance and showing a good understanding of nutritional therapy (by submitting two case studies and a summary of career and practice) before being eligible to apply for CNHC registration.

NNA members wishing to apply for CNHC registration should contact us here.  Or email us at 

Make your event CPD approved with the NNA

Register your event with the NNA to become CPD approved.

Mentoring at the NNA

Our successful mentoring scheme, with monthly Skype calls helps recent graduates and final year nutritional therapy students to set up in practice, build up confidence and hone their clinical skills.

Find a Therapist - Search our therapist databases.